Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 2

So today was productive! I got to firgure out the subway system this morning which was a mixture of frustrating, scary, and exciting! As you could probably tell from the beginning of my last blog, I am directionally challenged so taking on a subway system for the first time ever, in Vienna of all places, was quite a big step for me! I ended up being able to find my way around and I am finally understanding how it all works. Today was our first tour and we got so see all kinds of beautiful buildings and points of interest. I have to say my favorite of the day were all the churches! I've never seen anything like them in my life. I can't believe all the detailed work that went into them from the floor to ceiling paintings, golden sculptures, and at times even mummies that were displayed! It was just so cool to be able to walk into those churches and feel the atmosphere shift, it was so breath-takingly gorgeous. During lunch time, we went to an outdoor Italian cafe and it was so good! I ordered a mozzerella and tomato sandwhich along with an iced coffee. The iced coffee was difinitely the winner! I didn't expect much but some black coffee with some ice thrown in, but to my surprise, it was a delicious dark roast blend with a scoop of vanilla gelato at the bottom (which acted as a creamer) and whip on top! Most definitely the best cup of coffee I have ever had, even topping Starbucks which is a big deal for me! After our tour finished and I got some last minute shopping done, I headed back home and just got some things organized. It was a long day today full of a lot of walking so I'm calling it a night and am looking forward to more time with my host parents tomorrow!! Nighty night :)

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